Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Tubby Dog

This past little while I have mainly been couch-ridden, with an uncooperative knee. The doc says I can't work and I really shouldn't be walking so I've been watching lots of movies and eating whatever food I can get my hands on: pizza delivery, popcorn, brownies and popsicles. My friend Kevin has been quite helpful, taking me to vote, returning my movies, and especially bringing me Tubby Dog! I had always wanted to try Tubby Dog but I haven't been able to justify the indulgence, given my paradoxical vegetarianism and burger questing. But when I am sickly or gimply, I want nothing more than to eat junk, and lots of it. So when he called me from Tubby Dog and asked what kind of hot dog I wanted, I said "I want TWO !"

Here is an inside look at my thought process. Many people have told me it's frustrating to order food with me, because I keep changing my mind and come up with complicated and time-consuming orders. This is true. I want to try everything, and I am always masterminding the most efficient method to maximize my sampling and satisfaction. When I try a new hamburger or pizza place I usually keep my first experience simple. A cheese or 2 topping pizza. A modest hamburger. When it comes to hot dogs, I think the simple sensation of meat and bun is enough, and the best hot dogs are cooked on a stick over an open flame. Then again, there are the delights of the regional hot dog, and eating it exactly how the locals do - which in Chicago is: a Vienna Beef weiner on a poppyseed bun with neon green relish, diced onion, pickle spears, tomato slices, sport peppers, mustard and celery salt. NO KETCHUP. EVER. That's just the way it is...

Finally, you have places like Tubby Dog which rely on their plethora of interesting toppings as their claim to fame. So I wanted something basic AND I wanted to push the limits. The limit, at Tubby Dog, is Sherman's Ultimate Gripper which features: a bacon-wrapped, deep fried dog, topped with ham, chili, cheese, mustard, bacon, hot peppers, onions and a fried egg. So I was going to get that, but without the ham and fried egg. Not a big fan of fried eggs on top of unrelated structures, and ham on a hot dog wrapped in bacon seems redundant (I realize you pork enthusiasts are booing).. But then I realized I could just get the Tubby Dog: bacon, onions, cheese, chili, mustard, and ask for a bacon wrapped hot dog. I've never had a bacon wrapped hot dog, so it seemed like the right thing to do while I have a green light for bacon.

I suppose the usual reaction to one's first Tubby Dog would be just like mine; You look down at your hot dog  for a little while, trying to figure how the hell you're going to eat it. Truth is, you could use a fork and knife but it is much more satisfactory to just get your hands dirty. I was suprized at how tasty the chili was, and the bacon topping really added to this pleasure. The hot dog component was, as you may have guessed, just a hot dog.... but the whole package was tasty stuff, even for a minimalist like me. However, I found the bacon wrapping a little chewy, which at times intervened with efficient biting technique. It doesn't add anything, in my opinion, unless you are trying to add calories, or you happen to have a bacon tattoo, bacon engagement ring, or have ever made a bacon weave.

Next up was my attempt for something a little more basic, but as you can see, this is still a monster! Kevin told me he didn't think I would finish both hot dogs, but I cheated by making this a Jr. Dog. At Tubby Dog you can get any dog on the classic 1/3 lb dog, a junior (re: normal) dog, a turkey dog, an all beef dog, a Ukrainian sausage or even a veggie dog (yay!). This hot dog is called The Cheetah and it features sourkraut, cheese, mustard and relish. Other than maybe being a little too heavy on the sourkraut, this was a decent hot dog. If I could have fit a third hot dog into a separate compartment of my stomach, maybe I would have ventured to try one of the more unique hot dog offerings, such as the PBJ (peanut butter and jelly with Captain Crunch cereal), or the Sumo (Japanese mayo, pickled ginger, wasabi, toasted sesame seeds, seasoned seaweed). They also have specials that aren't on the regular menu, like the pizza dog. There are also various types of fries for your side, if you wish. Tubby Dog is licensed, open late, and apparently they often have live bands playing raunchy punk rock shows. Though I enjoyed my hot dogs, and the chili was tasty, a purist like me would prefer a hot dog from one of our many street vendors. 
Tubby Dog
1022 17 Ave SW
Calgary, AB
(403) 244-0694

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